How to Invest
Investment in the Lowes UK Defined Strategy Fund can be made through a variety of platforms, stockbrokers, your financial adviser and other intermediaries.
The fund is available on the following platforms:

Aegon – Aviva – Old Mutual – Zurich – Transact – Seven IM – James Hay – Aegon ARC – IFDL (Funds Direct) – FNZ Clear – AllFunds – Hubwise – AJBell – Novia – Nucleus – FusionWealth
Class B: IE00BG0NV307
Class C: IE00BG0NV414
Those investors who would like to make a direct investment, outside of investment platform, for more than £100k, can do so by completing an application form, which can be accessed here. Once completed, send to the address below. If you have any doubts as to the suitability of the investment for you, you should seek advice from a suitably qualified financial adviser.
Skyline Umbrella Fund ICAV
Attention: Davy TA Queries Team
c/o Northern Trust International Fund Administrators (Ireland) Limited
Georges Court
54-62 Townsend Street
Dublin 2, Ireland
Please Note: Application forms must be received by the Administrator by 10:30am (GMT) on the relevant dealing day.