Investment in the MI Diversified Strategy Fund can be made through a variety of platforms, stockbrokers, your financial adviser and other intermediaries.
The fund is available on the following platforms:

Aegon – Embark – Standard Life – James Hay – Quilter – Aegon ARC – Aviva – Transact
Class B (Acc): GB00BVVQ7G83
Class B (Inc): GB00BVVQ7H90
Class C (Acc)*: GB00BVVQ7J15
Class C (Inc)*: GB00BVVQ7K20
*Class C units are only available to clients of Lowes Financial Management
Those investors who would like to make a direct investment, outside of an investment platform, can do so by completing an application form, which can be accessed here and sent to the address below. Please note that there is an minimum lump sum investment of £1,000, with the minimum top up being £100. If you have any doubts as to the suitability of the investment for you, you should seek advice from a suitably qualified financial adviser.
MI Bespoke Funds ICVC
Springfield Lodge
Colchester Road