Lowes Managed Investment Portfolios
What are the Managed Investment Portfolios?
Lowes Managed Investment Portfolios cover a variety of long-term objectives with differing risk profiles. Our portfolios allow the efficient consolidation of assets to maximise the potential for returns within agreed risk tolerances and the method of operation overcomes the potential delays and hurdles that can inhibit traditional, advisory portfolio management. They are managed by our award winning team, who will also regularly re-balance portfolios to ensure asset and individual fund allocations do not drift too far from the original, intended parameters.
Whilst an Adviser from our sister company, Lowes Financial Management, will identify the portfolio, or combination of portfolios, which best suits your appetite for risk, capacity for loss and which most closely match your investment objectives, once in place the management, including any fund switching will all happen, promptly and seamlessly behind the scenes.
Key Benefits
- A range of portfolios designed to deliver specific investment objectives and reflect differing attitudes to risk.
- Agile investment management ensuring that portfolios are active in responding to market conditions, whilst providing consistent risk management
- Timely informed decisions by Lowes extensive investment resources, including Lowes investment managers and in-house research department.
- Allows you, as the client, to be less involved in the onerous, administrative elements of investment management.
Investment Portfolios
Lowes Investment Management offers eight investment portfolios which allocate to collective investment schemes, such as open ended investment schemes (OEICs) and unit trusts, run by experienced fund managers. No investment is risk free and even the lowest risk investment carries the potential of total loss in the most extreme circumstances and so diversification is key. Risk tolerance and capacity for loss should be discussed with your adviser before any investment is recommended.
Defensive Growth Portfolio
To protect capital values against the effects of inflation over the medium to long term, whilst minimising the effects of market downturns.
The portfolio is constructed so that at least sixty percent will be allocated to Targeted Absolute Return funds which seek to generate positive returns in all market conditions with significantly less volatility than equities. This means that these strategies can include a greater use of derivative based strategies by the underlying fund managers. The remainder of the portfolio will include an allocation to funds from other Investment Association (IA) sectors where it is believed that they contribute to the overall portfolio objective.
Mixed Investment 0% – 35% Shares Portfolio
To provide a total return over the medium to long term, mainly through income generation, which is sufficient to provide some capital growth, after inflation, but with a focus on keeping a low level of volatility.
The portfolio invests in a diversified range of funds across multiple asset classes, such as equities, fixed interest and direct commercial property. Investing in line with the parameters of the Investment Association Mixed Investment 0% – 35% Shares sector, this portfolio will never have more than 35% of its assets invested in equity funds and will also tend to have a bias towards the UK to reduce the effects of currency fluctuations. The lower equity content will hopefully reduce the volatility exhibited by this portfolio in all but the most extreme market conditions, but still produce sufficient returns to protect capital against the effects of inflation in the medium to long term.
Mixed Investment 20% – 60% Shares Portfolio
To provide a total return from a combination of income and some capital growth over the medium to long term, sufficient to allow a low level of income to be taken whilst protecting capital against the effects of inflation.
The portfolio invests in a diversified range of funds across multiple asset classes, such as equities, fixed interest and direct commercial property. Investing in line with the parameters of the Investment Association Mixed Investment 20% – 60% Shares sector, this portfolio will always have at least 20% of its assets invested in equity funds but never more than 60%. The slightly higher equity content should provide for some capital growth even when taking a modest level of income, whilst the balanced nature of the different asset classes should provide a lower level of volatility compared to portfolios with a higher equity content.
Mixed Investment 40% – 85% Shares Portfolio
To provide a combination of both income and capital growth over the medium to long term.
The portfolio invests in a diversified range of funds across multiple asset classes, such as equities, fixed interest and direct commercial property. Investing in line with the parameters of the Investment Association Mixed Investment 40% – 85% Shares sector, this portfolio will always have at least 40% of its assets invested in equity funds but never more than 85%. Usually having the majority of its assets invested in equities, this portfolio should provide capital growth as well as allowing a certain level of income to be taken. Whilst exhibiting more volatility than the portfolios with a lower equity exposure, this portfolio would still hopefully provide some protection compared to a pure equity portfolio in a falling market.
Global Select Portfolio
To provide capital growth over the medium to long term through a diversified portfolio of funds investing in global equities.
Investing only in equities, the portfolio is designed to maintain a global exposure and focusses on funds whose remit is to invest in areas of the world’s equity markets which, although possibly more volatile, we believe offer the prospect of higher long term capital growth. In line with the desire to maintain a balance of investments around the globe, UK equities will usually represent at most 20% of the portfolio.
Changing World Portfolio
To provide capital growth over the long term by investing in funds which take exposure to what are perceived to be global megatrends.
The portfolio has been constructed to invest in funds with exposure to themes that are perceived to be major trends which will shape the world in the future. These are trends which will be driven by demographics, technology, the environment and social behaviour. The portfolio will therefore contain exposure to themes such as technology, alternative energy, food supply, water supply, biotechnology and healthcare, along with companies that offer significant growth prospects, with an emphasis on companies operating in industries with potential for structural change and innovation. Due to the nature of the underlying investments this portfolio is expected to exhibit higher levels of volatility, but over the longer term it is hoped that investors will be rewarded with higher levels of return than a typical equity portfolio.
Ethical Portfolio
To provide capital growth by investing in a diversified portfolio of funds classified as investing with an ethical or socially responsible outlook.
These portfolios utilise funds investing both in equities and fixed interest assets. The funds used all meet strict ethical and socially responsible criteria and mainly do this by excluding investment in certain sectors and industries. In order to meet the desired Risk Level, the portfolios are constructed to meet the IA’s guidelines for either a Mixed Investment 20% – 60% Shares fund, or a Mixed Investment 40% – 85% Shares fund.
Cautious Managed Portfolio
To provide capital growth over the medium to long term, mainly through income producing funds, making it suitable for those looking to make regular withdrawals, and with a focus on lower cost investments.
The portfolio has been constructed so that asset allocation is in line with the investment restrictions of the IA Mixed Investment 20% – 60% Shares sector. The portfolio invests in equity, fixed interest, property and multi-asset funds, with a focus on lower cost options, where appropriate, but not at the expense of flexibility or an increase in internal risk.
To discover more about Lowes Managed investment portfolios please complete this form and a member of the team will be in touch.